Thursday, December 17, 2009

Strict blood sugar control in some diabetics does not lower heart attack or stroke risk

According to a recent UC Irvine Health Policy Research Institute study strictly controlling blood glucose levels as a type 2 diabetic will not lower the chance of heart attack or stroke, but keeping hemoglobin levels (low glucose levels) under 7 percent may reduce these issues for diabetics with less serious heart and health problems.

Earlier studies infact found that lowering blood sugar too quickly can seriously harm or kill a diabetic. Study co-leader Dr. Sheldon Greenfield, Donald Bren Professor of Medicine at UCI and co-executive director of the Health Policy Research Institute believes that doctors trying to treat diabetics should try and keep a moderate blood sugar level, while keeping their other conditions under control.

The test was done with 2,613 subjects moderated by 205 doctors in Italy. They monitored histories of heart disease, lung disease, heart failure, urinary tract disease, arthritis, foot issues and digestive conditions.

In less severe conditions some symtoms of high blood suger are showed in the picture at the top. The other picture above shows at what levels of blood sugar does one need to take action.



Venice Gordon

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Phthalate Exposure- Less Masculine Play in Boys

The young sons of women who had high concentrations of two common phthalates when pregnant, don’t show the kind of play behavior we normally associate with boys.

A University of Rochester Medical Center study of 145 preschool children shows that where pregnant women have high concentrations of two common phthalates in their urine their young sons play in a less traditionally male way. Phthalates are chemicals used to soften plastics and are commonly found in the environment. People may be exposed to them in foods, soaps and lotions. Scientists believe that exposure to phthalates lowers testosterone levels. Testosterone is a male hormone and is very important for male brain development. Scientists already know that low testosterone levels affect male genital development and that exposure to phthalates may cause this. They are worried that prenatal exposure to phthalates, will also affect male brain development. They are concerned that this will result in changed male behavior.

Boy Playing With Toy Truck Clip Art

In the Rochester study, Dr. Shana Swan, an expert in reproductive health and phthalates, made this hypothesis: If pregnant women have high phthalate levels when their fetus’s male genitals start functioning, their sons’ brain development will be altered and this will affect their play.

From 2000 to 2003 urine samples were taken from women at week 28 of their pregnancies. The samples were tested for two phthalates DEHP and DBP. When the children of these women were between 3 and 6 years old the women answered a questionnaire called the Preschool Activities Inventory. The questionnaire asked about what toys and activities the sons enjoyed. For example, trucks and play fighting rather than dolls and gentler activities. The scientists also asked the parents whether they would encourage or discourage the more feminine play.

The study found that there was a direct relationship between elevated phthalate levels and less “traditional” male play in their young sons. (There was no relationship between phthalate levels in the pregnant women and their daughters’ play behavior).

Questions to Consider:

-What are your reactions to this text?

-Do you think it is true that Phthalate exposure can lead to less-masculine play by boys?

-If so, would you try to prevent pregnant mothers and boys from being exposed to Phthalate?

-What would you do if you had a boy who preferred toys that girls usually play with (e.g. dolls),
or a girl who preferred toys that boys usually play with (e.g. trucks)? (encourage or discourage)

--Does the text agree or disagree with this statement: “phthalate exposure can lead to later sexual development in male organisms.”
---What information would you need to find out, or what experiments would you perform?


Articles on this topic:

Information on Phthalates:


Arianne and Lily- Section 2

Phthalate Exposure- Less Masculine Play in Boys

Delinquent Boys at Increased Risk of Premature Death and Disability by Middle Age

Men, who have a history of delinquency in childhood, are more likely to die or become disabled by the time they are 48.

The research found that boys who engaged at age 10 in asocial behavior such as skipping school often or being rated troublesome or corrupt by teachers and parents, and then went on to be convicted of a crime by the age of 18, 16.3% (1 in 6) died or become disabled by the age of 48. That equaled to 2.6% (1 in 40) of the boys from the same lower socioeconomic South London neighborhood who were not lawbreaking or fugitives- an almost 7 times difference.

"We were surprised to see such a strong link between these early influences and premature death and this indicates that things that happen in families at age 8-10 are part of a progression towards dying prematurely," said the study's leader, Professor Jonathan Shepherd, Director of the Violence and Society Research Group at Cardiff University in Wales. "It was also surprising that the increase was not limited to substance abuse or other mental health problems known to be linked with an antisocial lifestyle, but included premature death and disability from a wide variety of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease and cancer."

"At this point, we don't know exactly why delinquency increases the risk of premature death and disability in middle age, but it seems that impulsivity - or lack of self-control - in childhood and adolescence was a common underlying theme. It may be that the stresses and strains of an antisocial lifestyle and having to deal with all the crises that could have been avoided with more self-control takes their toll. It fits with the biological evidence of the effects of chronic stress on illness." Professor Shepherd said.

The test began in 1961 and after the studies were done at ages 16-18, 27-32 and 43-48. By the occasion of the latest results, 389 of the men were still in the course.

17 men died by the age of 48 and 17 of the lasting 365 men watched became disabled. Of 21 probable serious impacts, six were remarkably connected with untimely death and disability.

Rebellious actions at 10 years of age was looped to a three times a chance of dying or getting disabled by 48 (odds ratio: 3.5), premature death or disability was at least three times more likely in boys convicted of a crime between 10-18 years of age (odds ratio 3.0), in the boys convicted between the age of 10 and 40 (odds ratio: 3.5) and in boys at the age of 10 that had a who at age 10 had a parent guilty of a crime, were detached from a parent or had bad parental supervision (odds ratio: 3.2). A lack of self-control at 18 years of age was joined with double the risk of death and disability by age 48 (odds ratio: 2.1). At age 32, self-reported criminal activity not picked up by the police, such as burglary, shoplifting, car theft, violence or vandalism, more than 4x the risk of death and disability by age 48 (odds ratio: 4.3).

"These findings indicate that by intervening in the development of delinquency we may be able to achieve more than a reduction in the likelihood of later offending, which is currently the goal of such interventions," Professor Shepherd said. "We should focus on improving parenting and tackling impulsivity in the early years, which may well improve long-term health, reduce costs to the health service and save lives."

By Abby Johnson, Angel Vaughn, and Daniele Marcato

The Big Bang Simulation

The Big Bang Simulation
By Scott Kaufman, Georgina Johnson, and Benjamin Irving

Scientists are currently working on a machine named the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that will give new understandings to physicists and those who study the Big Bang. The project is happening underneath homes in Switzerland. The machine is in a tunnel that is 17 miles long in circumference and was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

More than 10,000 scientists from over 100 countries have been working on and funding this project. By accelerating particles and observing the collision, scientists are trying to simulate what occurred when the universe was created. One of the things they are trying to find is the God Particle, or Higgs boson, which is a tiny particle that can show us why certain things exist, such as mass. Right now, we do not even know if there is really such a thing as a god particle. We might just be able to find it by break the atoms into smaller and smaller pieces in search of this God Particle.

Another thing they are trying to do is to make mini black holes to prove that we do not live in just a three-dimensional world but a 9 or 10 dimensional one. These black holes might explain concepts like super-symmetry and dark matter. While all of these things are just theories based on math, if this machine is finished, there will be physical proof that these theories are true. The first proton beam was sent around the LHC on September 10, 2008. This was a break through because they had been working for so long. Despite all of the interesting findings that this experiment conceives, the machine is an expensive investment that will cost over 7billion dollars and creates many potential problems.

Once the public found out about this experiment, people were scared. They discovered that black holes were being generated through this experiment on the earth, which would make anyone worried. Black holes are dense areas of concentrated mass. Black holes are dangerous because intense gravitational pull will swallow anything in the surrounding area. Black holes are formed when a red super giant star collapses. The red super giant collapses towards the end of its life when its pressure becomes unbalanced. The star implodes in on itself which creates the black hole. The area surrounding the black hole in which the gravitational pull is too large to escape is called the event horizon. Black holes suck in every including light. There is no escaping the gravitational pull in the event horizon. Black holes can be very dangerous and that is why some people believe that a tiny black created by the LHC can swallow the whole earth.

In our opinion, there should have been a warning for this experiment and possibly a vote among people. When the government approved this project, there should have been more information given to the common people. However, we think that the experiment should continue because we do not think that anything bad is going to happen and the information can explain the fundamental questions of physics, which is great. These scientists are smart people, and to fund and build such a machine for this long shows that they do not only have faith that new information with be found but that it also won't destroy the Earth.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A new molecule is causing breakthroughs in chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer.

At the University of Florida, scientists have discovered that by adding a small molecule to the chemotherapy drug, they prevent the cancer cells from repairing enzymes that were damaged by Temozolomide, which is a chemotherapy drug that is usually used against brain cancers. The tiny molecule that the people at the University of Florida discovered prevents the caner cell’s ability to recognize and repair the damage that is caused by Temozolomide. This allows the chemotherapy to work much more effectively because the tumor cells cannot repair themselves.

The discovery of this molecule has also allowed researches to use a drastically lower amount of Temozolomide. They were able to cure mice with human colon cancer tumors with about one-tenth of the drug that is needed to kill cancer cells. This means that the use of the drug with this molecule will be able to lower the harm of adverse side effects caused by chemotherapy. Researchers are currently working on being able to put Temozolomide and the molecule into a small pill or a capsule for patients to be able to take.

This is an important breakthrough because normally colon cancer is very hard to treat because the tumor cells are highly resistant to treatments and chemotherapy. Previously, the only way to treat colon cancer was with aggressive surgery with possible chemotherapy. However, the recurrence rate for colon cancer is about 30-50%, so even if it is treated it usually comes back. This combination treatment has the possibility to reduce tumors drastically and to extend the lifespan of patients with colon cancer.

A colon with cancer:

Image via Top News

Angelique & Emma


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Implanting Bioengineered Vaccines and Magnetic Nanodiscs Show Promise

A team of immunologists and bioengineers at Harvard University may have found the key to curing certain types of cancer with an implant-based approach of polymer disks saturated with denritic cells and antigens that are specialized to attack tumor cells.

These techniques show the advances of biomedical engineering implemented into lab work and helping cure cancer.

These disks work like a vaccine. They entice the immune system in the body to attack invading cells. Once the 8.5-millimeter biodegradable disks are injected into the skin they activate an immune response to destroy tumor cells. In a study where these disks were implanted in mice with melanoma, the treatment “led to remission and longer lives in ‘a substantial portion of the population’” of mice with melanoma (Scientific American)

Other technology included in the article has to do with other discs, called “nano-scale magnets.” When induced into a magnetic field, the discs inside an organism oscillate and damage cancer cell membranes, causing those cancer cells to die.
Hopefully, the research that these Harvard University employees are working on will be an advancement to the cloudy world of curing cancer, which is still one of the leading causes of death in the United States (behind heart disease).

Konstantine and Nate

Work Cited:
Harmon, Katherine. "Conquering cancer with implants? Bioengineered vaccines and magnetic nanodiscs show promise". Scientific American. 11/29/09 .


Monday, November 23, 2009

A possible cause for ADHD

Scientists may have answered what causes ADHD

The factors contributing to the cause of ADHD have not been fully established. A recent study from Korea suggests an interesting possibility relates to chemical exposure in children. The model suggests children ingest toxins while they play with their plastic toys. The toxins identified are called Phthalates (tha-ˌlāt). These are major chemicals used in manufacturing many plastics. These compounds are used in products ranging from toys, cleaning materials, plastics, personal care items, and other materials.
Recent studies suggest Phthalates are dangerous to children who have contact with the material. Some scientists are saying these chemicals can cause hormonal disruptions, birth defects, asthma, and reproductive problems in humans.
ADHD is not one specific psychiatric or neurological disorder. The disease is represented a spectrum of disorders occurring during development and causing inattention and hyper activity. Hyperactivity is defined as squeamish, inability to follow rules, talks excessively, and has trouble being quiet. Inattention is characterized by making careless mistakes, difficulty sustaining attention, distracted by extraneous stimuli, often forgetful of daily activities.
The Prevalence of ADHD is estimated to be 3 to 7% in school age children. The disorder can continue into adulthood, even though unlikely. People with this disorder tend to cope, but it still threatens certain aspects of life. Interestingly enough it tends to affect men much more then women, even though fully grown women can have ADHD. There is no medical cure for the disorder but various medication strategies are available to treat the symptoms.
Phthalates involved with plastic manufacturing have been recently linked to ADHD symptoms. These findings were published by Korean scientists alarming public health advocates phthalates. Their study measured urine phthalate concentrations along in children who were evaluated for symptoms of ADHD using teacher-reported instruments and computerized tests that measured attention and impulsive behavior and test scores. Sadly these tests are inconclusive to date. More research is needed to find results that can be replicated in other settings. This study is promising towards finding the cause and curing ADHD.
Many people are greatly alarmed by this finding and demand increased attention toward plastics in toy products. ADHD is complicated by the probable multi factorial causes.
There are several competing theories about causes of ADHD supported by scientific studies including genetic, dietary, environmental and developmental issues. There is disagreement among people interested in this problem. There is no unanimous conclusion as to what causes ADHD but Phthalates offers a new and plausible model.

By Adam Hall and Lucas Millman
Causing Of AdhdView more presentations from Student Wilsonsbiologylab.

Weight Loss Breakthrough

DrosophilaThere has recently been a scientific breakthrough at the University of Bonn in Germany. A gene commonly found in fruit flies has been identified to control the metabolism, or chemical reactions, of fat. In some fruit flies this gene is defective, which causes them to lose all of their fat. The gene in the fruit fly contains the instructions of certain raw cellular material which has a regulatory function in the metabolism. The mutant form of the schlank gene causes the fruit fly to lose all of its fat. It can be deadly if not counteracted. When the gene works perfectly it helps the body store fat. When the gene is defective, or a mutation of the regular gene, it causes the loss of fat reserves. The scientists at the University of Bonn named this gene 'schlank,' which in english means 'slim'. The 'schlank' gene works by instructing those that carry the gene to turn energy into Ceramides which make up every cell in the body. The 'schlank' gene also regulates the removal of fat from the fat reserves.

The 'schlank' gene or something similar to it may also be found in species other than the fruit fly. Many mammals carry a gene that is very similar to 'schlank', that may also control the same metabolism of fat. Humans have something called Lass genes. Lass genes are six different genes that all preform the same basic function as the 'schlank' gene. When Lass genes mutate they also can cause severe metabolic disorders. These type of mutant Lass genes found in mice were injected into fruit flies with the mutant schlank gene and the process of loss of fat reserves stopped.The simalarity in the genes that are cross species has allowed scientists to deduce the connection between the Lass genes and lipids (cholesterol). Thanks to Darwinism scientist maybe able to use chemically altered 'schlank' like genes to create new far more effective weight loss medications.

Since humans and Drosophila Melangastro (fruit flies) are 60% similar in their DNA in can infered easily enough that a genes similar to the 'schlank' gene arose in the common ancestor of fruit flies and humas. As fruit flies got small however they needed less and less genes to control their fat distrabution where are humans needed more and more. It thus goes with out saying that by using fruit flies we maybe able to eliminate obesity issue while at the same time fix under nourishment issues by allowing people to store fat longer and more efficiently.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Treatment for Glioblastoma

Glioblastoma, the most common type of brain cancer, is serious tumor. With even the best prognosis and intense treatment, the average life expectancy for a patient is about 15 months. This bleak outlook is due to the lack of effective drugs and the inability of potentially effective drugs to cross the brain-blood barrier. This phenomenon is created by the cells around the capillaries in the brain, which are so tightly packed that many molecules, such as harmful drugs or microbes, are unable to gain purchase in the brain. Unfortunately, this makes treating brain cancer, or other neurological diseases, more difficult than in other parts of the body.

The current treatment for Glioblastoma, is surgery to remove the tumor, followed by radiation and then chemotherapy with the drug Temodar, which is believed to be able to cross the brain-blood barrier. Unfortunately, as previously stipulated, this is fairly ineffective, and in many cases, new tumors sprout up quickly following, or even during, treatment. However, a clinical trial is currently underway to attempt to find a new way to treat Glioblastoma. This approach involves some of the traditional methods mentioned above, as well as combining some old technology with new medication.

In this new approach the tumor is removed, although that may change with the effectiveness of the treatment, and then a microcatheter is threaded, via an artery in the groin, up into the specific area of the brain that the tumor was in. Then, the cancer drug is infused with another drug called Mannitol, the secret to getting through the brain-blood barrier. Mannitol, discovered some 30 years ago, takes some of the water out of the cells, making them shrink, creating gaps between the cells, allowing the drug molecules are able to move through and into the area of the brain they need to get to. Not only does this allow for a higher dose to get into the brain, over 50 times more than intravenously, it also allows for more specific placement of the dose, which may potentially decrease the adverse effects of the drug on the rest of the brain.

What is also interesting, is the new drug that is being used in this study, called Avastin, works in a manner similar to that of Endostatin, the drug featured in Cancer Warrior. This drug prevents angiogenesis, which prevents cancer cells from getting nutrients, preventing the tumors from getting larger. However, unlike Endostatin, Avastin appears to actually work, not only slowing tumor growth, but actually making tumors disappear.

This new delivery system does not appear to have may ethical issues. The patients that are being treated would die in about four and a half months without treatment, and the drugs that are being used have all been approved for human use and the techniques are fairly widespread and used in many other situations. The only potential moral dilemma, is in the actual development of the drug and whether it is moral to test on animals, as I am sure they did, before the drug is used on humans. Although this has nothing directly to do with the actual operation of this clinical trial, it is a precursor that must be taken into account before using a drug because using it supports the approach of animal testing before human testing.


Dylan and Cassie

The Hobbit—Tolkein’s imagination is discovered to be stranger than previously thought through new examinations.

Recently scientists have been preforming a multitude of more thorough tests on a hominid skeleton found in Indonesia, nicknamed the “Hobbit” because of it’s small size. The skeleton was found on the island of Flores, at a archeological site called Liang Bua. Scientists have identified the remains as those of a female, living approximately 17,000 years ago. The early hominid, know by scientists as LB1, is comparatively a dwarf, standing at just over a meter tall. Careful observations have shown that LB1 had a brain roughly 2/3 the size of a modern human’s.

LB1 is a very interesting from an evolutionary perspective. The remains show that LB1 had many ape-like body variations, but it also had many human-like features. The brain, was about the size of a chimpanzee’s brain, but had features that increased it’s cognitive ability. CT scans preformed on the skull showed that the brain cavity had an enlarged Broadmann area 10. This is the part of the brain that allows complex thought processes such as those required to make tools. This allowed a hominid with a brain the size of a chimpanzee’s to be far more advanced and similar to modern humans. LB1 supports a belief about certain organisms. The belief is that organisms living in environments with limited resources will decrease in size. This has already been supported with other organisms, but now is maybe true in early hominids.

Many critics of this idea suggest that LB1 was the result of a disease. This would make sense because fossil evidence has show that at the same time, there were other hominids that were more advanced, and more closely related to modern humans. However, there is evidence that disproves the idea that LB1 is just a sick modern human. The wrist of LB1 is very similar to that of an African ape. In modern humans, the wrist bone, called the trapezoid, is shaped like a boot. But the trapezoid of LB1 is shaped like a pyramid. The partial skeleton of LB1 provides critical information for scientists trying to under stand how the process of natural selection and evolution work.

By Will Mairs, Cindy Cochran, and Matthew Winter

Original article Rethinking "Hobbits": What They Mean for Human Evolution, from the November issue of Scientific American.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tapping into the Cancer Fighter Collective for Treatment

Sometimes the most difficult part of treating cancer is diagnosing it. The ability to recognize which forms of therapy will provide the best treatment is a skill that takes doctors years of experience and can still be wrong. This is why the CINJ (Cancer Institute of New Jersey), Rutgers University, and IBM are developing a computer system that will allow for more precise diagnosis of Cancer.

The computer system is envisioned as a tool that will allow Doctors to track the success rates of previous research. This will allow Doctors to tailor possible therapies to their patients. Additionally the system will let Doctors compare their patient’s samples against more than 100,000 samples within the system’s database, allowing them to immediately classify their patient’s cancer and discover how similar cancers have been treated and which therapies worked best. Besides from helping doctors treat cancer, the system may prove invaluable to researchers, allowing them to test many slivers of biopsies at once against a constantly updating set of samples.

Though using thousands of models to diagnose a single sample creates extremely accurate results, it is difficult to run such an intensive program on most computers. To combat this dilemma IBM has established the World Community Grid, a virtual supercomputer that draws processing power from thousands of volunteers across the world. This new joint effort could possibly allow any hospital to use this newfound method of diagnosing cancer.

The Link to the article:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Driving Isn't as Easy as It looks for Some People

There may be one new reason not to have road rage these days. Researchers at the University of California Irvine have discovered that a gene mutation that causes a person's difficulty with memory can lead to horrendous driving. 30 percent of Americans have this mutated gene, which explains the mass amount of bad drivers in the United States. The gene controls a protein called "brain-derived neurotrophic factor", which affects the memory. If a person cannot remember the basics for driving, they are most likely going to swerve in lanes and possibly cause car accidents.

The researchers at the university conducted a study on the potentially dangerous gene. The tests involved only 29 people, 7 with the mutation and 22 without the mutation, (this is a good example of chance coming into play, because the study only involved 29 participants) on a driving simulator. The simulator required the participants to memorize the path of a track with challenging curves and turns. The subjects drove 15 laps on the simulator, and were called to repeat the exercise four days later.

The drivers with the mutated gene performed 20 percent worse than the drivers who did not have the mutated gene. Past research suggests that when people with the mutation perform an activity, a smaller portion of their brain is stimulated. Although the researchers believe that when it comes to driving this gene is a danger to society, the gene can also be beneficial to humans later in life. Individuals with the gene have been found to maintain their "mental sharpness" longer than individuals without the mutation.

The researchers at UC Irvine wonder how many people with this gene mutation get into car crashes every year. If this is discovered, many lives may be saved. If individuals with the gene knew more about it, they would be much more cautious on the roads of the United States. They would recognize that they have a better chance of crashing than people without the gene mutation. This discovery is a breakthrough in seeing how to keep the roads of America safer in the future.

James and Emily: Section 2

Belgian Scientists Successfully Create Lung Tissue from Stem Cells

By Dominic Ansel, Vahimir Emile, and Giancarlo Schliemann

Stem cells are found in all multi-cellular beings. Embryonic stem cells, are a type of cell that are found in the early stage fetus. A recently new area of genetics called stem cell research allows human cells to be recreated from the cells of an embryonic stem cell. The idea of stem cell research has been promoted by many people, yet many oppose it as well. Some find it inhumane and immoral, and for others it is against their religion.

Recently, Belgian scientists effectively separated human embryonic stem cells into lung tissue. This is a giant medical step for man and will supply an alternative lung to people with lung injuries. Most of these lung injuries are either due to long-lasting pulmonary diseases or can be inherited genetically diseases such as cystic fibrosis. Scientists have also been able to successfully recreated heart tissue from stem cells. Blood and marrow derived stem cells have the capacity to become many different tissues.
Many different tissues thought to only regenerate by themselves. But further studies prove that stem cells can help reconstruct the tissue.

-Stem Cells. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 9, 2009, from for the stem cell information
- for the youtube video

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do Genes Justify Crime?

By Amanda Shepherd and Alex Scheman

The argument whether genes are an excuse for preforming acts of violence came up in a case in 2007 with Abdelmalek Bayout. In Italy, this man admitted to stabbing and killing another man and was given a sentence of 9 years and two months. Bayout had mutated genes that were related to aggression so his judge cut his sentence by one year. This decision was extremely controversial because scientist Nita Farahany, a legal scholar at Vanderbilt University, says that genes could potentially influence someones behavior but genes will never explain why a person committed that crime. The court is there not to blame genetics but to decipher why this person committed the crime and genes are not capable of explaining why.

This case leads to the big question, should genes be considered a reasonable defense in court? The judge, Pier Valerio Reinotti,claimed that Bayout's genetic aggressions lessened the severity of the crime, which is why he reduced his sentence. Farahany on theother hand has noted that US courts more then before are using genes as evidence to make their decisions. Although she also says,"It's just as likely to be used against a criminal defendant as for," meaning when a defendant states they have a genetic disorder itcould be used for as well as against them. "People don't recognize the double-edged potential of this evidence." -Farahany.

Researchers with more advanced technology have found a way to better explain how genes and the environment lead to violent behavior. Terrie Moffitt, a geneticist at King's College and Duke University, has earlier work that helped make the Italian court's decision on Bayout. She claimed that family histories of a defendant are helpful but she also stated that "Everything we know about family history still doesn't diminish our own responsibility for how we make choices." It is similar to peer pressure, if someone told you to jump off a bridge and you had a kind of gene in you that loved heights you still most likely would not jump of the bridge. If you had a motive to kill someone and you have aggression genes, yes the genes will kick in a little bit but it will not at all completely influence your decision.

- for using their article on the subject.
- for using their picture of a gene.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Potential Cancer/HIV Breakthrough

by Graham and Hayes

Recently at Yale University scientist have had a breakthrough in battle against HIV/AIDS and cancer. Scientists have synthesized particles that are now able to help our body to fight prostate cancer and the HIV virus. The two particles that have been synthesized are the anitbody recruiting particle targeting HIV, (ARM-H) and the antibody recruiting molecule targeting Prostate Cancer (ARM-P). These molecules bind to antibodies and and to HIV infected-cells, proteins on HIV, or cancer cells at the same time. This calls attention to these harmful cells and proteins and the ARMs trigger our immune system to attack these. When it comes to the ARM-H, this molecule can bind onto the proteins on the outside of the HIV virus and can prevent it from infecting other cells. In the words of David Spiegel Ph. D., MD., Instead of trying to kill the pathogens directly these molecules manipulate our immune system to do something it wouldn't ordinarily do."
The fight against HIV and cancer has been long and expensive and has not resulted in many breakthroughs. Both of these diseases can be treated but the treament is often very expensive and painful. Treatments are only successful also if they are started before the disease gets to serious. However, these ARMs offer a drastic contrats. These molecules are very simple and cheap to produce and Spiegel beleives that one day they could be taken in pill form. They also do not traget larger body processes and they are more exact and localized, as opposed to chemotherapy, which hurts the entire body. This means that the side effects of these are not as bad as other treatments for HIV or cancer.
This discovery brings much hope for most people in the world, whether or not they have any connection to HIV/AIDS or Prostate Cancer. However with a discovery so ground breaking it brings much hype and controversy over its use. It is important to realize that they have just begun testing this on mice so any human tests and treatment forms are far off. Controversy is also to arise out of the question of how these drugs could be distributed. HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic that affects 33 million people worldwide and one in six of American men are expected to develop prostate cancer. However, a difference between these two diseases is that HIV/AIDS is much more prevalent in poorer communities and the developing world while prostate cancer is spread more evenly across socio-economic barriers. This raises the question of how these drugs be distributed because a large portion of the people suffering from these diseases, HIV/AIDS, in particular would not be able to afford this drug, despite its rather low cost to create. We believe that if this drug is successful there should be steps taken to give it to the people who require need it to save their lives. If and when this drug reaches the point of successfully combating HIV/AIDS and Prostate Cancer it will be one of the most valuable commodities in the world and the debate over who should have access to it will be lively.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

XMRV Leads to New Discoveries for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Ryan Tongue and Ethan Putnam

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of a few diseases that not only “frustrates” those with CFS, but those without it as well; however, recent findings of a new retrovirus found in many CFS patients , may lead to new medical findings relating to CFS. This is important because until now there has been controversy over the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of CFS.
CFS has been given a title as a “wastebasket diagnosis” because the symptoms of CFS have such a huge range. It was recently thought that about 17 million people may be suffering from CFS, but this was before there was a specific virus to test for. Now doctors may start looking for a xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, or a type of gammaretrovirus, in patients thought to have CFS. The one responsible for this finding was Ila Signh, an associate professor of pathology at the University of Utah. This was because prostate cancer and CFS both change RNase L, an antiviral enzyme. After doing biological tests for this virus in 100 CFS patients, it was found that two thirds of the patients had this virus.
After further studies have shown that CFS can be transmitted through blood, breast feeding, and other related means. The link in this virus which infects healthy cells to that of prostate cancer and CFS, has shown that CFS is “not linked to a genetic mutation.” The relation between the XMRV however, remains a mystery to doctors. However, treatments on animal model tests are starting soon with reverse transcriptase inhibitors (“antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection, tumors[1], and cancer. RTIs inhibit activity of reverse transcriptase, a viral DNA polymerase enzyme that retroviruses need to reproduce.”)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Do Mood Disorder, Pain, and Epilepsy Drugs Cause Behavior Abnormalities Later in Life?

Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center questioned whether medicines prescribed to help with diseases such as epilepsy, pain, and mood disorders have behavioral side effects later in life. In order to determine whether or not these drugs have behavioral side effects, the GUMC scientists conducted experiments that tested these drugs on infant rats . They discovered that these drugs kill neurons in the brain and some of the tested medications did cause behavioral abnormalities later in life. However, some of these drugs did not have this behavioral effect. Therefore, more research will need to be done in order to help doctors decide which drugs they should prescribe to their patients to treat epilepsy, pain, and mood disorders.

Socratic Seminar

-Would you take these kind of medicines even if you knew that there was a risk that you could have behavior abnormalities later in your life?

-If you were a doctor, would you prescribe these medicines to your patients knowing this?

-If you could come up with any alternative, what would it be?

-Should the government ban these medicines?

-Do you think that testing on rats is a good way of finding out what side effects the medication may have on humans? And would you trust the results?

-If you think that testing on rats is not a good idea, is there some other thing/being you would test on instead?

By Aliza, Irena, and Reuben. Section 1

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scientists Research A Way to Keep The Human Body Active Past Age 50

Scientists in Leeds, England plan to spend 50 million pounds (about 81 million US dollars) over five years to try and create ways to keep human bodies active past 50 years old. Human bodies eventually give out and stop working properly, especially in areas like the joints, such as the hips, elbows, and knees, and heart valves. With modern health care, medicines and vaccines, humans live longer and longer and their bodies become weaker and weaker with age. So scientists at the Leeds University are attempting to create better joint replacements and heart valves, plus more to keep older people active and keep their bodies healthier.
They have already successfully made a new hip replacement that would not wear out like the current one. Humans are expected to take 100 million steps in 50 years, and these new hip joints should be able to last that long, as opposed to current standard replacements, which most likely will not last more then 20 years. The new joints use a cobalt system with a ceramic ball that has been scientifically proven to be much more durable and tough then the previous replacements. Hips are one area on the body that is inclined to give out over time, but not the only one. They also made similar joint replacements for the knees. With more durable knees and hips, humans that would normally be too weak to walk may someday be able to walk unaided by walkers and have an easier time climbing inclines and staircases.

The scientists at Leeds are working on lots of other implants and transplants to keep the human body active. One of the most interesting and scientifically notable contributions they have made are transplantable tissues that the human body can adapt to and actually make a part of themselves. The tissue is basically a shell, taken from a donor or animal suitable as one. The scientists take a healthy organ or tissue from another human or animal and break it down using chemicals until they remove the cells of the other human or animal. Then it can be put into the recipient and the recipient can plant their own cells into. Having more organic tissues that could become part of the body easier would eliminate the fear of the body rejecting an organ from a donor. The scientists have already successfully made a heart valve this way.

The scientists have already tested the method on 40 human patients, and an unspecified number of animals in Brazil and say they have "promising results" says a leading scientist on the project, Doctor Eileen Ingham. The scientists are trying to fix and create new many other parts of the body too. These include such vital things as ligaments, blood vessels, skin, and lots of other organs also. The final goal of this project and other similar regeneration of body parts project, is to one day be able to create tissue, organs, and skin transplants just from the recipient themselves, rather then having to use a donor, it's a way to cut out the middle man. This method would make receiving life saving or altering implants much easier rather then have to find an organ. Hopefully this and many other similar projects gain the fruits of their labor sooner rather then later, and make growing old easier on millions of people.
Clay, Dana, and Isabella

Acknowledgments: for being our source where we gathered all our data from
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Mr. Wilson for answering general questions about the blog

Nazi Sea Water Experiment

For many years, drinking sea water has been a dangerous and if not lethal way of quenching a thirst. For past years, many people have had to bring their own supply of water on boating trips. If you were stranded on a island, one might not have anything that could quench a thirst without possibly killing one. When the Nazis decided to try and find out a way of curing sea water to make it drinkable, they would have to test it out on people and if not on them selves. Knowing that sea water could be dangerous if the curing process did not work with one of many of their design's, they tested it on Gypsies, which the Nazi's took from one of their many concentration camps. The Nazis preforming this experiment, did not care whether or not a Gypsy died or became dangerously ill. Throughout the experiment, the Gypsies' were just giving the sea water that the Nazi's had tried to cure to make the water drinkable. Even though many of the Gypsies, if not all, were fighting for normal water, all they received was "cured" sea water. The experiment was taking place during World War II, and even though their reason may have been just, they still tested on the Gypsies without their consent. The test subjects licked the floors after they were cleaned because they were so desperate for fresh water, and did not care how they would get it. When the experiment was finished, September 1944, the Nazis who performed this experiment killed the Gypsies they had been testing on.

The Nazis put all these people through this inhumane sea water experiment and many of them suffered a slow and painful death. If there were any survivors left, that were tested on in this experiment, the Nazis who conducted the experiment would kill them. The Nazis were trying to see if they could make seawater into potable water. In the end they were unsuccessful at doing this. What scientists did find out though was how much salt water a human can sustain in his/her body and also how long a person can last without water before dying. This is useful information that has helped save the lives of many people. They saw that there were different stages of dehydration that effected the person by giving them distress, suffering and pain. Doctors can now predict how much water a person need to become hydrated again and be at a healthy state. Though this test was very curl and ethical scientist found out very important information about the body that was used to save and better the lives of people.

By Lally, Phillip, and Gordon