A new discovery led by the University of South Florida provides evidence that long-term exposure to the electromagnetic emissions from cell phone use may protect and even reverse Alzheimer's disease. The researchers tested 96 mice, most of them had altered beta-amyloid in the brain to give them Alzheimer like qualities. However, some were normal to get wider results. All of the mice were exposed to the electromagnetic field generated by cell phone use for two 1-hour periods each day for seven to nine months. To expose the mice, their cages were arranged around a central antenna generating the cell phone signal. Each animal was exposed to electromagnetic waves typically emitted by a cell phone pressed up against a person's head.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. The mice tested without brain problems never developed any problems and the brain problems of the altered mice died down or completely disappeared. The scientists think that this could also be true in humans. If they are correct this would be a major breakthrough in Alzheimer's research. Test were ran with the two types of mice and the results clearly showed that they both had the same memory recognition. Also, scientists found that when Alzheimer's mice are exposed their brain temperature rised. Scientists believe this happens to remove newly-formed beta-amyloid by causing brain cells to release it.
Researchers were also surprised by the fact that the emissions not only boosted memories of mice with Alzheimer's, but also boosted ones of the normal mice as well. Researchers have concluded that it will take more time to determine all the pros and cons but it hopefully it will be as effective on mice as on humans. If this become an alternative option for the cure of Alzheimer's, this can help cure 26 million people around the world, which is the population of Texas.
Cell Phones Treat Alzheimer's
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This is a weird experiment. Anyways, I think the electromagnetic field around the cell phone is probably far too weak to affect humans. So, it this were to become a suitable treatment, the size of the field probably should be ramped up.
ReplyDeleteThe mice were exposed for two one-hour periods a day when most humans only spend less then 10 minutes on a cellphone. Also mice are much smaller than humans. A lot of exposure to the electromagnetic field is very little to us. I think it is unlikely that cellphone usage can help prevent or even reverse alzheimer's
ReplyDeleteThis is a strange experiment. Also, as Coda and Scott said, mice are much smaller than humans, so the cell phone waves have a much larger affect on them than on us. If they were to create mini-cell phone waves proportionate to the mice, it might have had more accurate results.